Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Hello again...

We are alive and well and...married! And very very happy, having buckets of fun.

Yesterday consisted of chillin' on the patio after work, convincing RopesCourseGuy to take a few pics of me (hope to post them soon),  and cleaning up the apt for RopesCourseMom's arrival today.  Of course, the perfectionist in me wallowed in disappointment that it's not as clean as it could be, even though RopesCourseMom graciously does not mind.  A daily cleaning/chores schedule remains on the ever-growing new married life to-do list.  Like a mantra, I repeat to myself  "It's okay. We'll figure it out soon enough."  Kicking "binge cleaning" in the rear end sounds like a fantabulous plan to me.

What other newly married bride you know could outshine my excitement over her Mother-In-Law, aka RopesCourseMom, coming for a visit, not to mention the 2nd one since we tied the knot? None, I tell you.  And I promise I'm not crazy.  If only everyone could meet her and be as blessed by her...she'll speak right to your heart if you let her.  Let the letting begin!


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